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Our new language policy

Хогвартс: Dear inhabitants, After a heated debate with ourselves we have decided that the one and only possible language in Hogwarts is English. It is truly unacceptable to talk, to teach and to learn here at the heart of Scotland using the language of our potential foes. Everyone knows that Russia will be the first to be conquered by our glorious Dark Lord and his faithful servants. Proceeding from the above every teacher as well as every pupil here has to change his or her language to English within the next 24 hours. Those who dare to show the disrespect and disobedience will be subjected to Avada Kedavra spell. Thank you for your understanding.

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Хелен Форанэн: Добавила с подписью: "Темный Лорд обязан знать все языки мира, чтобы мир захватить. If you don't know every languages in the world, you cannot rule. Тады нельга крыудзiцца на свае веды. Lehre alle Sprache! Best Regards, Helen Foranen. This language is called trasyanka)"

Каллипсо Брюс: 亲爱的勋爵! 邀请您 参加在蓝色的塔的舞会!我们的舞会是与酒杯和妓女和火焰威士忌的。您的饼干会派上用场。 感谢,您说的我是聪明。我一定跟珍妮布伦顿谈谈一下!不过,您记不得我妈?:( 顺颂台绥, 卡吕普索•布鲁斯 xx "Dear Lord! I invite you to join our future party at the blue tower! It’s our own party with blackjack and hoes and firewhisky. Your cookies would be pertinent! Thank you for saying I’m smart. I’ll certainly talk to Jenny Brenton. But, don’t you remember me?:( Best regards, Callipso Bruce xx"

Лорд: Дорога Емілі! Ніякої спонсорської допомоги, доки не почнеш говорити мовою правильно! Не ганьби державну мову та не створюй освіченим Пожирачам Смерті неосвічений образ! Т.Л. У второй записки подчеркнул красным подпись "Не Темный. Не Лорд". Дописал: А Темный Лорд - он-то, конечно, все языки знает! Он же Повелитель Мира и Небес! К последней дописал, пририсовав мааааленькое черненькое сердечко-черепок: Dear Callipso! I'll certainly join the party, thx for the invitation! Even the most boring meetings are enlivened by my presence! I remember, but will be glad to meet you again. Under other circumstances. Still your, The Dark Lord.

Эмили Лонгман: "Меня раскрыли. Да ну не больно-то и хотелось! Уйду к тем самым фениксовинцам с докладом о приближающемся закармливании печеньками и вообще! Так и знайте. Аривидерчи, нелорд."

Хелен Форанэн: Посмотрела на подчеркнутую надпись и добавила: "Если не Темный и не Лорд, то who are you? Мяне гэта пытанне зацiкавiла".

Каллипсо Брюс: "My Lord, As the head manager of this party, I'm trying to make every guest feel cozy and cheered up. Do you have any requests? If you are sick of using Crusio, I think i can land an iron maiden, a spanish boot, a scold's bridle, a couple of iron chairs and a guillotine. If you need something special, just write me. Yours, Callipso xxx"

Лорд: Dear Callipso, Don't you worry about it, I will take care of myself! As the saying, all my burdens with me. See you soon! Yours, D.L.

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